Boomerangme personal cabinet consists of the following sections that allow you to issue, set up and work with virtual loyalty cards:

Home section.

In this section you can view: 

Company statistics for the current day

  • Number of new clients
  • Number of issued cards
  • issued cards for previous periods
  • Number of transactions by cards
  • Total amount of transactions
  • Average loyalty level


Client activity for the chosen period (day, week, month, year, all time, chosen period)

  • Number of cards broken down by card type
  • Number of new customers
  • Number of issued cards


Referral program statistics

  • Number of clients who shared the card
  • The number of installations of the referral program
  • Referral program clients statistics
  • Revenue from the referral program


Cards section.

In this section you can create new cards and view/edit existing cards.


When you click on a valid card, we get to the page of this card, which has tabs:

  • Information - this displays the QR code and link to install the card, the number of cards installed, the number of customers in the base, information about discounts/stamps accrued (depending on the type of card), and transactions. There is also details on the last transactions
  • Clients - details of clients who have the selected card installed. Number of customers, transactions, reviews and loyalty level. There is an option to search for customers.
  • Send push - this tab allows you to send push messages to all clients or a selected segment and to view the history of sending.
  • Send cards - in this tab you can send a link to install a card to clients.
  • Statistics - here you can view the client activity for the selected period. Number of new clients, number of issued cards, as well as information on referral program.


Section "Clients"

This section contains information on all clients.  

The search by name and phone number is implemented. Having chosen the concrete client, you can see his profile and detailed information on the card (date of registration, cards installed, transactions, status, serial number of the card, and many other things), to make charges and write-offs on cards remotely through a personal cabinet of the service. 


Also, you can send push and view personal information through the client's profile.

Section "Push".

Here you can send push messages manually or set up automatic PUSH-notifications according to your own scenario.

You can send push notifications both to all customers and selected segment or send messages only to customers with a particular card.


Push notifications feature is available on tariffs above Free.

Section "Locations".

In this section you can configure geo-push notifications to be sent. Within 330 feet of locations, users with maps will have a push message on their smartphone screen. This feature is implemented for tariffs above Free.


Section "Managers".

In this section, you can create managers to separately track the effectiveness of card issuance and stamp accrual. Managers can be distributed by sales outlets or by shifts. Manager has its own access to the scanner of the mobile application. For each manager there is a separate statistics of accruals. 


Section "Settings".

The main settings of the account are set up in this section.

  • Tab "Tariff plan". It contains information about the current tariff plan, the date of charging, and payment history. You can also find the overview of the full functionality of all available plans.


  • Personal settings" tab. Contains personal information specified when registering an account.
  • Integration" tab. Integration is available only on "Maximum" tariff plan.


Tab "White label". 

Possibility to change branding of loyalty cards, personal cabinet and e-mail notifications to your brand.