Creating a manager
To avoid any login errors it is advisable to log in with manager's data and password compared to the main account that should have separate log in data and password.
Create managers to separate tracking their activity by issuing loyalty cards and drive loyalty program. Managers can be devided by sales points or by shifts.
You can create up to 10 managers on Grow plan and up to 50 managers on Business plan.
You can attach any of the pre-added 10 locations on Business plan to each manager.
Depending on your plan status number of locations and managers can be increased up to unlimited.
A Manager can be created for every sales point.
Every manager has his/her own access to the mobile app scanner.
For each manager there is a separate statistics of accruals.
How to create a manager?
Just click Manager tab on the left side bar and click Add manager
Input Manager's data, password 2 times and click Save.
To Edit Manager's data you just need to click edit button on the right side of any manager from the list of managers.