UTM tag is a generator of links for card installation. You can create a link for any type of source.

The main purpose of UTM tags is to collect statistics and to understand where your customers get to know about your loyalty program.

It’s easy to create a UTM link:

  1. Go to the card’s section in your dashboard

  2. Click on the promotion (card) you need 

  1. Then click on the “Edit” button

  1. Go to the "Settings" subsection and scroll down to UTM

  2. In the "Source Name" field enter a name (for example, any social media that you have or a partner who can advertise you)

  3. Click on the "Add a link with UTM tag" button

  1. After that, the link will be generated automatically. You just need to copy the link or download the QR code to place it in the right source.